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‘To the Masses’ launches in Chicago March 4

March 2, 2016

To the Masses HaymarketI will be in Chicago this Friday for the launch of the Haymarket Books edition of my ‘To the Masses,’ containing the proceedings of the Communist International’s Third Congress (1921).

Here is an announcement of this meeting circulated by ‘Historical Materialism,’ which published the cloth edition of this book in 2015. I am looking forward to seeing many of you there.

The book launch also signals the completion of a several months of personal effort to relocate and downsize, while preserving my personal archives. Thanks to the many friends who provided help and encouragement. – John Riddell

For the past thirty years John Riddell has led the effort to make available in English the proceedings and resolutions of the first four congresses of the Communist International. With the publication of ‘To the Masses: Proceedings of the Third Congress of the Communist International, 1921’ this work has finally been brought to its conclusion.

Join Haymarket Books, Jacobin, and the International Socialist Organization for a celebration of this invaluable work of activist scholarship, featuring presentations on the themes of the Third Congress by John Riddell and long-time collaborator Mike Taber.

This particular volume captures the Communist International under Lenin as a living world movement in the midst of a heated debate over perspectives. Out of that debate came contributions to revolutionary practice on a number of subjects that remain relevant to activists and fighters today:

  • Building a united front against capitalist attacks
  • The centrality of revolutionary strategy
  • The relationship of politics to economics
  • Trade unions’ role and tasks
  • The liberation struggles of colonial peoples and women

For more information on the book visit: Haymarket Books.

Friday March 4, 6:30 p.m.
University, Levan 406
2322 N. Kenmore Ave
, IL

First published in Historical Materialism News.

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