Posts from the ‘History’ Category
- ‘All Power to the Soviets!’ Part 1: Biography of a slogan on March 23, 2017
- Pravda: ‘Mandate for Soviet Elections’ on March 23, 2017
- ‘Soldiers, take power into your own hands!’ on March 14, 2017
- ‘For a general strike against autocracy’ on March 12, 2017
- ‘Only a provisional government can bring freedom and peace’ on February 5, 2017
- ‘The day of the people’s wrath is near’ on January 21, 2017
- ‘Down with the war. Long live the revolution!’ on December 1, 2016
- Colleen Levis: For a labor alternative in Montreal elections (1974) on November 29, 2016
- Fidel Castro on the fight to defend Cuba’s socialist revolution on November 27, 2016