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Comintern appeal for funds goes over the top

‘A project of utmost importance’

By Mike Taber: The fund drive appeal for The Communist Women’s Movement, 1920-1922 has received an overwhelming response.

The new volume will tell the story of how the Communist Women’s Movement (CWM), under the leadership of Clara Zetkin, Alexandra Kollontai, and others, set out to build something new in history: an international movement to fight for women’s emancipation and to draw masses of women into the worldwide revolutionary struggle.

At the heart of this 750-page volume will be the proceedings and resolutions of the CWM’s 1920 and 1921 international conferences. Most of the material has never appeared in English, with much of it never published in any language. The book will be co-edited by Mike Taber and Daria Dyakonova,

More than 50 individuals contributed to the effort, going significantly over the original goal of $3,000. Those contributing to the drive were convinced that learning the history of revolutionary struggles is essential for successfully waging the battles of today and tomorrow.

To all who donated to this drive or helped to spread the word, hearty congratulations!

Below are some of the comments passed along by contributors:

The record of fund drive appeal can be viewed here.

Volumes of the Communist International Publishing Project