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Communist International Publishing Project: List of Books

PA76By John Riddell: The record of the Communist International (Comintern) during Lenin’s lifetime, 1919-23, is widely considered by Marxists to form the foundation of revolutionary socialist policy in the modern era. Nonetheless, many of the basic documents of this movement were long unavailable in English.

Since 1983, I have worked with Mike Taber and a broad team of collaborators to publish in English major documents of revolutionary Marxist movement from 1907 to 1923, with a focus on the first five years of the Communist International. All of these volumes are available from Pathfinder Press and Haymarket Books.

Here are the volumes published so far:

The first eight volumes are edited and translated by John Riddell. The Communist Movement at a Crossroads is edited by Mike Taber and translated by John Riddell.

A collection of reviews and interpretive studies is available on this website.